Colleen Hofmann

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So this is the new year

There were some awesome moments in 2012. And then there were the not-so-awesome moments in 2012. But one without the other would transform into a rather unbalanced life. Don't you think? I embrace all the moments of the year, accentuate the positive and try my best (although my best varies from day to day) to be a better person. As I reflect on the richness of 2012 and look toward the wild unknown of 2013, here are few things I aspire to do in the new year. I won't call them resolutions, per se, but more of my ever-evolving manifesto for life.

Travel to new places. I was blessed to have the opportunity to travel to so many wonderful places this year: Minnesota, Boston, Belgium, France and Germany. I can't help but wonder where will 2013 take me. Maybe Greece, Ireland, England, China or Vietnam? I'm looking forward to meeting up with my friend Cindy in her travels around the world.

Run at least two 5Ks. This year I ran my first 5K, and I had so much fun doing it. Rather than just saying I will run more this year, I am committed to run at least two 5Ks. For me, this is a better assurance that I stay in shape. Just to be clear, this does not mean I'll be joining a gym. It means more Bikram yoga classes, sprints on the F&M track and intrepid trail runs. Who's with me?

Get more sleep. I generally operate on five hours of sleep or less. It's unhealthy, I know. We'll blame insomnia and overabundance of horror movies. Because of my unhealthy sleeping habits, this forced me into other bad habits like drinking lots of caffeine, working at odd hours and zombie-like stupors. Here's to conquering insomnia and moving mountains.

Cook or bake something new every week. I have acquired a lot of cookbooks lately. My most recent favorite is Smitten Kitchen for its drool-worthy photography. The joy of being single and living alone means one meal or recipe can last for an entire week (or even longer if frozen). And then, when I can't stomach another bite of cinnamon sugar pull-apart bread, my co-workers offer excellent assistance.

Give more warm greetings and farewells to the people I love. I love receiving hugs from my friend Matt. They're the most sincere, squeeze-the-stuffing-out-of-you, glad-you-are-my-friend, bear hugs. Even my aunt Gigi does the best greetings. Her smile and arms wrap you up in her joy to see you. If I can muster up at least half of this happiness in my acknowledgement of others, I will be happy.

My wish for you in the new year is to fully embrace the things you love. Travel. Not matter how outlandish, achieve your dreams. Feel beautiful. Act with kindness and brighten the world around you. Find inspiration in unexpected places. I'm closing the year with some joy in my heart and dance in my shoes. Here's hoping you are too. Salud!